Wednesday, February 17, 2010
o Respect traffic rules/regulations and signs/symbols: As a road user your acts should be governed by an inborn will to be safe and let others safe on roads. This would come only when you have respect for traffic rules and regulations. Lookout for road signs and symbols and follow them.
o Maintain your cool even in adverse situations: You may be burdened with unending number of problems at the home or office, but keep them aside before you venture on to the roads. Always keep yourselves fresh and cool.
o Care & concern for others: Keep in mind that you are not the sole owner of roads but others have similar right on it. Remember that road is not a place to show anger. Prevention of accident should be a major concern of road users.
o Be prepared for any kind of eventuality: Drivers and pedestrian may behave in an unpredictable manner. As a road user you should judge the situation correctly and act accordingly.