Saturday, January 16, 2010

The potential benefits of RSE for children include the following:

1)increased awareness and knowledge of traffic enviornment;
2)appropriate survival skills necessary for the safe use of the road enviornment;
3)understanding of the behavior and attitudes taht have an influence on road safety ;
3)understanding of the behavior and attitudes that have an influence on road safety;
4)knowledge and understanding of how humans,vehicles,and systems interact with work;
5)decision making skills taht will enable them to make choices and to take responsibility for their own safety and that of others;
6)esteem and care for other people;
7)knowledge and understanding of the causes and consequences of road accidents;and
8)necessary knowledge,understanding,and skills to travel safely in or on a vehicle,while showing consideration for others.

Research shows that human error plays a large part in road accidents.It is a contributory factor in about 95 percent of accidents.By teaching the basics of road safety to children,they are prepared for the future and developing positive,safe attitudes tha will have benefit in years to come as thses children become teenagers and then adults.Inculcation of safety skills in children can provide lifelong benefits to society.In countries where the number of motorized vehicle is still increasing,the number of accidents is likely to rise unless steps are taken to educate road users at an early age.

Attitudes developed in the earliest years largely define how the individual behaves on the road in later years.Attitudes are difficult to change once they have been formed.It is easier to teach good habits at an early age than to break bad habits later.RSE has long-term benefits for the community in terms of road users behavior as it helps to develop positive attitudes and values.RSE should commence at an early age-at kindergarten,or even earlier through publicity initiatives aimed at parents.

Road safety education is necessary to provide the basis for improving road user behavior overtime.Because it involves the development of safe,positive attitudes,it will always be a long term investment.This is especially because it is tryin to counteract attitudes and behavior learned from and continually reinforced by parents and others in close contact with the children who tend to pass on unsafe behavior.

Many of a child's attitudes are learned in the first five years of life from their parents and carers.Once developed,attitudes can be difficult to change.