National Road Safety Policy(III rd Part)

Friday, November 13, 2009

(IX)Emergency Medical Services for Road Accidents

The Government will strive to ensure that all persons involved in road accidents benefit from speedy and effective trauma care and management.The essential functions of such a service would include the provision of rescue operation and administration of first aid at the site of an accident and the transport of the victim from accident site to nearby hospital.Hospitals alongside the National Highways and State Highways would be adequately equipped to provide for trauma care and rehabilitation.

(X)HRD $ Research for Road Safety

The Government will encourage increased activity in programmes of road safety research by identifying priority areas,funding research in those areas adequately and establishing centers of excellence in research and academic institutions.The Government will facilitate dissemination of the result of research and identified examples of good practices through publication,training,conferences,workshops and websites.

(XI)Strengthening Enabling Legal,Institutional and Financial Environment for Road Safety

The Government will take appropriate measures to ensure that the required legal,institutional and financial environment for road safety are further strengthened and a mechanism for effective coordination of various stake holders is put in place.The reforms in thses areas would provide for the active and extensive participation of the community at large,of the private sector,academia and NGOs.

(III)Implementation Strategy

The Government has decided to establish a dedicated agency viz. a National Road Safety Board to oversee the issues related to road safety and evolve effective strategies for implementation of the Road Safety activities Through the allocation of a certain percentage of the cess on gasoline and diesel.



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