Statement by Floor Lieshout,YOURS-Youth for Road Safety at First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety
Thursday, January 21, 2010
President Medvedev,honourable ministers,distinguished guests,my fellow youth delegates,
Statistics show that if I die next week,among all possible causes of death,a traffic crash is the most likely.As a native of the Netherlands-one of the safest countries in the world-I am still more likely to die from a road crash than from any other cause.My peers-in particular young men like my self-from many other countries of the world face an even greater risk of dying on the road.
Globally,road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for young people.Everyday more than 1000 young lives are ended and thousands more young people are injured on the world's roads.Unfortunately,many oung people are also implicated in the causes of these tragedies,particularly as drivers.In most regions of the world these numbers will continue to rise,if urgent action is not taken now.
This is why we young people have mobilized and taken the decision to be part of the solution.Yesterday we met with enthusiastic and committed youth leaders from all regions of the world.I am honoured to speak on their behalf of so many young people.
In 2007 the First World Youth Assembly for Road safety was organized by the World Health Organisation and the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva.More than 400 young people from over 100 countries addressed road safety.After the Assembly they returned home to meet with ministers in their countries,flag the issue in national media and launch safety campaigns.
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